Monday, 13 February 2017

Mobile Phone In Human Life.


Now a days no body can live with out phone. mobile phone addiction is spreading all over the world & that is very big issue now days if you are not handling it properly.

A mobile is a portable telephone with access to a cellular radio system so that it can be used a wide service area as per the capacity of bandwidth or capacity of network, without a physical connection ( Such as cable ) to a network.

In generally we can say with out cable connection we can connect to radio web system through a network. 

History of Mobile Phones & Inventor of mobile...........

The invention of the first mobile phone was on April 3, 1973 by Motorola .The first mobile phone was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x, and it weighed 2.5 pounds. It had a text-only LED screen and had only one line of text. Martin Cooper is an American engineer. He is a pioneer and visionary in the wireless communications industry. With eleven patents in the field, he is recognised as an innovator in radio spectrum management. 

Martin Cooper with Motorola DynaTAC 8000x

In this 21th century Mobile is a Boon for human life because of mobile phone is such a amazing thing that make easy to any work & reduce human efforts & time that's why a lot of work are completed just pinch of time.

Mobile phones has already changed the way of thinking of human beings that mobile is not only for communication but also it is a very important tool for any business.Mobile phone plays a major role in our life , which brings a lot of benefits to us but it's has a little drawbacks as per person to person , age group, limit of using  that we have to always keep in our mind.

In our today's routine Mobile phone is  more of necessity rather than an subsidiary in every one life. In our Earlier days mobile was only for talking to people , but today's a lot of facility have came in mobile phone so that demand & necessity has also increase in exponentially for every one to carry out there day to day activities.

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