Monday, 13 March 2017

Don't Addicted to drink Tea, very dangerous for your health.


In  our Daily life we eat & drink a lot of things, with out knowing advantage and disadvantage of  that item.  we eat only for taste and habit. today i am going to discuss about one of them. All of you are drink 'TEA' regularly with out think at once . I will tell about advantage &  disadvantage of tea today.

In our society we  drink tea at morning regularly. some of them drink tea before going to latrine & Some people have a lot  of problem that they can't complete  their latrine if they don't drink tea. so they drink tea before going to latrine. 

In market 1kg of tea price is Rs. 500 now a days. In an average a layman drink 50 to 60 kg of tea in a year. just think how much amount we have spend in drinking a tea & we distort own health also. if you will drink tea a lot  then intoxication happen & you will addicted to drink tea. firstly headache will come if one day you will don't drink tea & second is stomach problem occur. 

Do you know stomach will occur ??????

In Tea some chemical are caffeine, nicotine, tannin  & a lot that increase acidity in our stomach. In our stomach acidity occur naturally & if you drink tea a lot then much more acidity will occur.  so if there will be much more acid present in stomach then acid goes to blood & when acidity increase in our blood then a lot of disease come that you can not imagine. some of that are constipation, knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain, joint pain, heart attack , Brain  hemorrhage & a lot of disease come. 

In our life worst disease are come from increase of acidity level & acidity level increase from tea.

If you are addicted to drink tea then appetite not come. so you don't take food, so that automatically health problem occur. 
